Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lotus Flower Family

The ocean beneath your feet, the gentle rocking of the boat, like rocking a baby to sleep.  Sunrises paint the entire sky purple, orange, pink.  Ocean breezes moisten your skin and salty dew in your hair.  Sunsets, moon rises, moon light glittering on the waves, so, so, so many stars.  You feel connected to everything and nothing at the same time.  I feel what George is feeling.  That’s why it didn’t surprise me one bit when I received a phone call from him telling me “this is so me.  This is what I am supposed to be doing.  This is what WE are supposed to be doing.”  I agree.  We are supposed to be on the water.  That connection is stronger than I can explain in words.  Today, if I were to choose to sail across the ocean working on someone else’s yacht, each minute the ocean took the boat farther away from my Alexa, I would crumble.  I would literally die inside and crumble.  Yachting days were the best days of my life.  But I knew, when I looked into Alexa’s eyes for the first time, I would never work on a yacht again unless I could take Alexa with me. Some people do it and love it.  They have great owners who understand and respect their crews wants and needs for family.  For me, most likely working and living on someone else’s 100 million dollar yacht is not part of the equation any longer, but why not own our own smaller yacht and sail around the world as a family.  This nomadic, free-spirited mommy is still a yachtie mommy at heart.  A couple blogs ago I mentioned beginning to grow roots… well, who ever said my roots, my home base, needs to be on land?  Think of the lotus flower.  They live, breath, thrive in the water and they are the most beautiful, spiritual flowers of them all.

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