Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spread Thin and Burning the Candle at Both Ends

I can barely breathe from stress and I my neck is so kinked up I can’t move my head without sending shooting pains up my neck and down my shoulder blades.  What’s causing this? A whole lot.  My poor mother and Caitlin are both very ill and I am worried sick about them.  Caitlin has mono, again, and her spleen is leaving her in pain and weak.  I feel horrible for her.  My mother is ill from a fevery sinus infection and some weird eye infection that looks really scary and feels just as bad as it looks.  And since Alexa and I have been around my mom, I’m worried about Alexa too.  I’m in Texas for a few days trying to visit with my family and friends before the boat show chaos starts, but obviously picked a very bad time to try to squeeze in a family visit.  How awful is that to even write?  “Squeeze in a family visit”… into my busy life… how horrible.  Family is everything!  So why can’t I tell my other obligations to fuck off?!?!  Or at least tell them to lay off a little bit so I can visit with my family every so often.  In between hours here and there visiting with family on this quick 3 day trip, I’ve been working like a mad woman on all these emergency graphic design projects for work.  I’ve been so busy trying to balance my poor sick mom, family visits, and work, I haven’t been able to visit with any friends.  Spread thin and burning the candle at both ends, I feel like I can’t give any part of my life my all.  Alexa and I fly back to Florida Thursday morning and I dive head first into the chaotic fiasco of Florida fall season yachtie hell.  Oh, and I start classes again on Monday.  I’m not sure how I’m going to possibly do it all.

Speaking of being separated from family… George is in Spain until next Tuesday.  Check out the picture he emailed me of the view from his hotel room.  “MUST BE NICE, GEORGE!  THANKS A LOT FOR THE NICE PHOTO OF YOUR PARADISE!”  All sarcasm aside, George works his butt off, never taking a day off, and deserves to have a party filled golfing work trip in gorgeous Palma, Spain for a week… I just wish Alexa and I could join him.  Instead, I’m going insane with trying to balance waaaaaay too much!  Too much work and not enough time in the day (or night).  Too many bills and not enough money.  Single yachtie mom-ism, but not being able to devote the time to Alexa that she deserves. Too much gross food and not enough exercise.  Too many ill loved ones and not enough time to be with them.  I’m drowning.

Now, let’s turn this around and upside down… life is peaceful.  Everyone is healthy.  Money is flowing freely and easily.  All bills are paid and debt is erasing.  Life is peaceful.  Alexa is happy.  Our family is together and our love for each other flows freely.  Fresh fruits and veggies are abundant and exercise is plentiful.  Life is peaceful.

Amazing sunset at our home a few days before our departure

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain - it's harder than everyone imagines this life of single parenting, travel and work. Deep breath, shoulders back - you'll be fine, you always are. Remember to look after yourself somewhere there too - sending hugs your way xxx
