Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First Day of School

Yesterday was Alexa’s first day of school for three whole hours without mom, (really two hours since I stayed with her for the first hour), and she despised it, or so she lead me to believe so.  “What’s up with this sitting down while I drink my juice crap” she said to me with her teary eyes and quivering lip.  “And where are you going Mama?!? Don’t leave me in this ‘dreadfully’ bright and cheery place with three other happy kids my age and loads of new toys to play with!”  Her “Day in Review” says “the most exciting part of my day was using glitter to decorate autumn leaves, music class, and the playground.  I loved the slide, five little ducks song, and building with soft blocks”.  The theme this week is learning all about autumn.  There’s a different theme each week for the kids to learn about.  When I picked her up, the Director was reading her a book and told me how Alexa loved playing instruments in music class but refused to wear her pirate hat.  With teary eyes, Alexa punished me by ignoring me for about 5 minutes when she saw me and her little lip quivered for the first half of the car ride home.  She doesn’t understand why I did this to her.   It was heartbreaking.  Despite her glowing “Day in Review” obviously she had a rough few hours and shed many tears.  A big part of me feels awful, like I’m breaking her spirit or abandoning her by bringing her to this school.  However, although Alexa doesn’t agree, I am confident this is a choice school.  Each day she will not only develop social skills being around other children her age, but this school also teaches language (English & Spanish), sensory/science, math, creative expression, and fine/gross motor skills.  Depending on the day, in between playground time, snacks, naps, and lunch, the kids her age attend media class, gym class, music class, center time, group circle, and art class.  Her 18 month old doctor’s check up (3 days early and accompanied by painful shots in her yummy thighs) prevents her from attending school today.  I’m sure after this morning’s doc appointment Alexa will think I am on a mission to torture her.  Beginning October 26, she will begin school three full days a week.  For now, it is little bits of school here and there so she can become familiar with everyone and everything.  Although I love my job, I can’t help but feel a little resentful about being forced to work so much.  I miss my baby already.

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard. Half of me loves having some time to work and be the woman I used to be before the Mummying took over and the other half hates having to leave Coco. I try to reassure myself that the social interaction and stimulation of other environments is really good for her. Which it is - as it is for Alexa xx
