Friday, September 17, 2010

What a great way to start the day…

There’s this life that most of us live trying to make it on time to appointments, writing blogs, facebooking, traveling to “distant” lands, working at jobs, worrying about gaining a few pounds, worrying about money, striving to live up to societal (or parental) standards, struggling to find “balance” and then there’s right now.  Where you can exist in the deep penetrating emotional connection where none of that other stuff matters, in a web of connecting energy forever blending us to everything and into one another.  As adults (whatever that really means) we search (some consciously, some unconsciously) for “happiness”.  We try to find balance in the chaos and make since of all the distractions surrounding us sifting through years of manipulations to somehow gain back our innocence while preserving our hard earned wisdom.  Absorbing the enormity and elfin of our existence, as Alexa and I gaze over the vast ocean at sunrise on the beach this morning, felt both comforting and confining.  However, before my emotions began to drown me, I became distracted with the challenge of photographically capturing this flawless, open, pure soul dancing among a flawless, open, pure ocean sunrise.  One juicy watermelon sliver and 184 photos later, I joined Alexa dancing among the wind and morning sun rays, sharing the soft sand between our fingers and toes, bouncing together in the bravura ocean waves, just being in the energy, the love, the moment, the now, together.  What a great way to start the day…

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