Tuesday, February 1, 2011

laughing, learning, growing… this is the most important part of the whole experience

I tried so hard not to eat the leftover tiramisu from last night’s dinner.  I lasted more than half a day, but fatigue from my super early start this morning coupled with a quick chance mid-afternoon blogging session while Alexa naps broke me.  So here I am blogging while devouring half a tiramisu.  Ya know a glass of vino rosso would help this go down very nicely.  I did get up at 4am to work this morning and then took a 6am yoga class on M/Y Four Aces… so, I deserve it, right?… ummmmmm… maybe I’ll wait a few more hours before I drink that glass of sin vin.  Ok, seriously… onto the blog…

Perfecting our swimming in the picturesque turquoise pool and pool-colored ocean water was a part of our all-embracing day every day over the last 7 days (along with a little yoga, running, boating, play-studying, eating, drinking, potty training, oh… and working).  Alexa is becoming a great swimmer really quickly.  “Sim! Sim! Sim!” is the song coming out of my little baby bird’s mouth every time she sees water.  She absolutely loves it.  All aspects of it.  Even bumpy boat rides put her to sleep.  We really could do this forever.

If you’ve been keeping up with my blogs, you read that we had the time of our lives at Buccaneer Beach Bar bon fire and kids barefoot beach movie night our first Friday in town this season and vowed to repeat.  However, Thursday, after numerous attempts, I finally made contact with the St. Maarten Road Runners group, so I traded the beach towel for my jogging shoes and went on a HELL hill 10K run/race with these guys Friday evening instead.  G was kind enough to watch Alexa while I ran, but not thrilled at all when it took me 2 hours to get home from my run.  The run only took 52 minutes and 14 seconds, but the traffic driving back to our apartment was unreal and I never could figure out why.  My long awaited running buzz was killed instantly when I got home.  Apparently, some Captains from a few yachts in town had asked George to dinner to a nice restaurant with their wives/girlfriends and G was not happy he had to miss it to say the least.  After a heated debate and a few long talks, everything smoothed over and we entered into our Saturday with open arms.

I have been to St. Maarten every season at some point each year for the last 8 years and G has been coming here even longer.  Somehow neither one of us ever visited the perfectly petite island of Pinel.  A semi-short bumpy buddy-filled boat ride and we were there “simming” in the turquoise, drinking matching magnum blue bottle rosé and tasting scrumptious seductions at our secret tiki table.  Heaven. 

Sunset Sunday… evidently we decided to fully-absorb the tourist tag as we watched the planes blast people through the air at Sunset Beach Bar.  We laughed at the idiots, partially understanding on some level why they might be enduring this torture and also feeling quite, well, over-it, if you know what I mean.  Alexa got a kick out of it, so that’s all that really matters.  I seem to recall one drunken day, maybe 7 or 8 years ago, I found myself dangling from the fence behind a 767 pelted with pebbles and jet fumes...  ahhhhh… the memories.

All weekend brag blogging aside, balance is certainly the key when traveling for extended periods like this away from the comforts of home, away from friends, away from family and away from help with the little ones.  George and I both work sometimes 7 days a week.  I do yoga, run and swim as well.  I’m a life long student, always looking to learn throughout my day and always finding the next class to take to supplement my passions.  Of course, Alexa is my priority, my main focus, my life.  Unlike our summer in Monaco, I’ve found some balance here along with a few friends, one who is inspiring my yoga and spiritual practice and one who I am exploring the underworld with scuba diving.  I am busy and loving life right now.  Alexa is happy… truly happy… laughing, learning, growing… this is the most important part of the whole experience.

Captain Alexa Capri

Jumped off the boat for a quick dip on our way back from Pinel island.

Looking for the green flash... too cloudy. Maybe next time.

It's fun to laugh at idiots blasting through the air by jet fumes at Sunset Beach Bar.

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